+49 5461 7089089

  • 2-Kanal-Fluidik
  • Automatisierte Probenzuführung
  • Bis zu 4 Laser
  • Integrierte Entgasung
  • Lösungsmittelkompatibel

Das MP-SPR NaviTM 210A VASA (benannt nach dem finnischen Rentier) mit seiner großen Flexibilität ist oft die erste Wahl für materialwissenschaftliche Fragestellungen und Nanopartikel-charakterisierungen.

Mit der automatisierten Probenzuführung und bis zu vier Wellenlängen bietet das 2-Kanal-Gerät alle Möglichkeiten für die hochsensitive Schichtdickenanalyse, vor allem in Verbindung mit der LayerSolverTM Software. Bei niedrigen Durchsätzen bietet es aber auch eine günstige Möglichkeit, molekulare Interaktionen zu analysieren. 

Verschiedene Flusszellen für die unterschiedlichen Anwendungs-bereiche stehen zur Verfügung. Das offene Design erleichtert den Zugang zu Flusszelle und Prisma und minimiert den Wartungsaufwand. 



  • Goniometrische SPR-Optik mit Breitwinkel-Kurvenaufnahme
  • Automatische Probenzuführung mit 6 Kanälen
  • 2 Messkanäle mit paralleler oder serieller Injektion
  • 1-4 Laser
  • integrierte Entgasungseinheit
  • Software: NaviTM-Control und DataViewer enthalten, mit PureKineticsTM-Funktionalität
  • LayerSolver und TraceDrawer optional
  • diverse Flusszellen verfügbar, e.g. für LS, MS, Elektrochemie, Lichteinkopplung, Fluoreszenzeinkopplung


Für die vielen Anwendungen der MP-SPR ...

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With PureKinetics™ feature for high quality kinetics, MP-SPR is a powerful and sensitive tool for direct measurements of small molecules.



MP-SPR helps you to measure biomembrane interaction kinetics as well as underlying structural changes.



Whether you develop metal, silica, polymer nanoparticles or work with DNA polyplexes, liposomes, viruses or microvesicles, MP-SPR is an excellent choice for drug delivery studies - from real-time targeting studies to real-time internalization with the same instrument.



MP-SPR enables to move from drug-target measurements, through drug-membrane interactions all the way to drug-cell interactions. Differentiate internalization from permeation in real-time and label-free. Study cell attachment on different coatings.



Antibody-antigen interaction affinity and kinetic measurements can be performed in diverse liquids including complex liquids such as serum or saliva.



Biosensor development


MP-SPR can be combined with electrochemistry to measure catalytic interactions, electroswitching surfaces and also to develop electrochemical biosensors.  

Biosensor Development

From nanoparticle-based competitive assays through electrochemical sensors to direct assays, MP-SPR shows all the steps of your assay may you develop it on top of glass, polymer, silica or metal surfaces! More...

Gas Sensor Development MP-SPR works also with gas samples - from 2 dalton hydrogen up to vapours. More..


Biomaterials and coatings

Biomaterials MP-SPR measures interactions on polymers up to 5 µm thick, which makes it the most sensitive label-free technique for biomaterial interaction studies and layer characterization. Therefore, MP-SPR also helps with formulations for controlled drug release, novel coatings for cell and tissue engineering as well as industrial coatings.

Unique Multi-Parametric Surface Plasmon Resonance (MP-SPR) instruments can extend applicability of SPR also to clinically relevant complex liquids, such as 100 % serum, plasma, urine, bacteria and cells.


Measurement principle

Real-time and label-free Multi-Parametric Surface Plasmon Resonance (MP-SPR) is based on a true goniometric SPR arrangement with a rotating detector. Exceptionally wide angular range 40-78 ̊ is measured, real angular resolution 0.001 ̊.

Liquid handling  

Automated Liquid handling of up to 6 different samples for unattended runs. Precise syringe pumps and integrated degasser. Flow rate from 1 μl/min up to 1000 μl/min. Two flow channels, software switch for serial or parallel injection.

Sample consumption

Minimum sample loop volume 100 µl, partial loop injection option, minimum injection volume 50µl..

Wavelength of light

Standard 670 nm in both flow channels.
Up to 4 wavelengths per channel available on request.

Refractive index range

1.00-1.40 (measurement bulk environment) which can be extended with additional wavelength
Layers that MP-SPR can measure can have much higher RI such as diamond like carbon (2.7) and inorganic crystals.
MP-SPR determines also complex refractive index of liquids, gases and solid layers.


Measurements can occur in gas and liquids. Liquids can be aqueous solutions or organic liquids such as ethanol and acetonitrile.

Mode of operation

Angular Scanning mode, or “MP-SPR mode”: scanning across a range of angles providing full SPR curve and multiple parameters. Several sensograms can be distinguished from the full curve, such as PureKineticsTM. Sampling rate depends on selected angular range and resolution, typically less than 2 seconds.

Fixed Angle mode, “traditional SPR mode”: measurement at a single angle, providing time – intensity sensogram. Mode for fast kinetic studies - sampling rate from 1ms

Measurement Range

Thickness from Ångströms to micrometers (true range depends on refractive index of the material). Kinetics: ka = 103 – 108 1/(M*s), kd = 10-7 – 0.1 1/s, KD = 10-3 – 10-12 M


Smallest detected molecule: in gas Hydrogen (2 Da); in liquid small molecules <100 Daltons


Short-term noise 0.3 μRIU, Baseline drift (long term) < 1μRIU/min.

Temperature Measurement temperature range from 15 – 45 ̊C (7 ̊ below to 20 ̊C above ambient).
Prism Elastomer supported prism for quick sensor exchange and easy maintenance
Flow Cells

Flow cells can be easily exchanged with a single release button.
Standard: SPR305-MS high chemical resistance flow cell with a volume of 1 μl/channel.
Optional flow cells: SPR305-LS for molecular kinetics measurements, SPR321-EC: Electrochemical flow cell, SPR310-GS: Gas flow cell, SPR302-LS for fast kinetic studies, or request a custom flow cell!

Software Unlimited MP-SPR NaviTM Control and DataViewer software. Export data easily to Excel or use our dedicated analyzing tools.
Optional LayerSolverTM fitting tool for layer characterization and/ or TraceDrawerTM software for kinetic analysis.

Fluidic parts are easily exchanged. Maintenance service contract available if so desired.

Computer Requirements Win 7, Win 8.1 or Win 10, 1 x USB 2.0, 4GB RAM, 10GB hard disk space (1GB for installation + space for measured data)
Dimensions & Weight

W 45 x H 41 x D 51 cm (18” x 16” x 20,5”), 22 kg (48 lbs)

Power Requirements 100-240V, 50/60Hz, Max. 100W